Hearing Loss

Most insurance will cover hearing tests

2020-07-27 Share this:
Last week, we talked about how too few of us take our hearing health seriously — most likely because too many of us take hearing well for granted. Until it’s too late, that is.

This, despite the large body of evidence linking untreated hearing loss to quality-of-life issues such as social isolation, an increased risk of falls, depression, hospitalizations and even dementia.

But being proactive about our hearing health doesn’t have to be hard — and is most definitely worth it. Protect your hearing when and if you can, and get hearing screenings on a regular basis, especially if you’re over 50. It can be as simple as that.

Today’s hearing fact from Consumer Reports says most insurance will cover hearing tests if you have a referral from your healthcare provider. (Check with yours before scheduling.) So if that was your excuse...oops. 

If you want to stay on top of your hearing and would like to get it tested, we can help. Just call 1-888-908-1845 or click here and we’ll set up a hearing exam with an authorized hearing healthcare professional near. Or, start with our free online hearing test anytime you want.


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